This past week, we lost our Expert Computer Consultant, Seth Zuckerman to colon cancer. Seth was much more than just an IT Specialist – but truly a special person.
The way our company got introduced to Seth was very random, which based on the words spoken at his funeral, was a common theme in his life. Just a series of random occurrences.
When Sal and I first started the company, we were insistent that we use Apple products because we were sick of getting viruses on our PCs. That led us to purchase a sales database called Daylite as it was fully compatible with Apple. After a few years, the gentleman who helped set us up with Daylite said he wasn’t going to be in that line of business anymore and he would hook us up with an Apple IT Specialist who could assist with our computer needs moving forward.
I remember it as clear as day being in Chicago in the lobby of the Renaissance hotel getting introduced to Seth on the phone, which I believe was on a random call to the Apple Expert hotline number. So luck of the draw – we got Seth.
From that time on, Seth was always a de facto member of our company. Back when we had our Bayside office, he would come hang out with us to grab lunch and help set up our servers. One time, while he was idle waiting for a package to be delivered, he actually assembled an IKEA desk we needed put together. What a mensch!

Eventually we moved to Huntington and over the years, Seth would tell me he would be at our offices at 10:30AM. But I would invariably get a call that morning saying he was running late. When he got there, he added a hint of joy with his corny jokes and off-hand comments about our business. He once screamed out an NFL player's name in the middle of the office during one of our sales calls to try to assist us close a deal. That’s not just any Apple IT Specialist.
Other favorite memories of Seth:
Telling us about his love of blueberries and how he strategically drove to farms upstate when they were in season and froze them for the off-season. That’s dedication
His knowledge of pop culture/movies. Seth also was very into jigsaw puzzles and even offered Sal his NYC apartment to stay at when he was going to visit New York
Seth abruptness for calling people out on Zoom. He once pointed out a huge pimple Sal had on a company Zoom call. Can’t beat that honesty
Seth telling us that he had celebrity clients, but wouldn’t give us any hints to who they were. I think I got him to crack once and admit they were on Friends.
His support of the NY Islanders even when they were terrible. That’s a loyal fan!
We learned of Seth’s diagnosis years ago and saw the impact the treatments had on his body. But when I asked him how he was doing a few years ago, he was very pragmatic about the disease. In a way, he was at peace with it. He knew this day would come sooner rather than later. So despite many years of chemotherapy and multiple surgeries, he just rolled along with his life with a good mindset.
I still can’t believe that when we need any sort of computer help at our company, I can no longer say “text Seth”. Not so much for the help, but because he was just a unique individual to work with and always brought a smile anytime we interacted.

We will miss you Seth. This is not a goodbye, but a see you later! Thanks again for all the help and joy you brought to us at OLA.
If anyone else has any funny Seth stories that you would like to share with his family, his lovely wife Jodi can be reached by email at